Brunnhuber, Stefan

Born in Augsburg/Germany. After having finished vocational training as medical first responder at the Red Cross and as a car mechanic in Germany and the USA, graduated medical school and studied socioeconomics in tandem (student of Lord R. Dahrendorf). MA, MD, Dr med habil, Dr rer. soc.

Currently medical director, chief medical officer and Professor in Germany (Saxonia); Two board-certified specializations (psychiatry, psychosomatics) and over 12 clinical sub-specializations. Integral approach, including mind-body medicine, naturopathy, TCM and conventional medicine. Special management skills in human resources, corporate social and sustainability scripts.

Further experiences in alternative financial engineering, risk-analysis, psychology of sustainability, monetary ecosystems and transformative societal processes. Long lasting corporate, political and institutional consulting (EU, WHO, GenCap-group); Over 300 publications and presentations. Member of the European Academy of Science and Arts (EASA), Board of Trustees at the World Academy of Arts and Science (WAAS) and Member of the Club of Rome.

An evolutionary and integral approach in economics and psychology have led to several academic appointments. Multiple international visiting professorships; Former visiting fellow/member at the C. G. Jung Institute (CH), PPKE (HU), MAYO, UCLA (USA), Beijing (CN), Vice-chairman of the European Institut of Health (EiH) among others. “International Scientist of the Year 2003”; “Living Science Award 2004”; “International Peace Prize 2004”; Scientific advisor to the EU-Commission (2009); Founding member Alma Mater Europeae (2011); Senator (elected 2015-) of the European Academy of Science and Arts (EASA), Endowed Chair for Sustainability and Psychology (2016-). Co-author of several bestselling books in Germany over the last 25 years; Co-author with Bernard Lietaer of the report to the Club of Rome – EU Chapter „Money and Sustainability – the missing link“ (2012/2013); Author of „The Art of Transformation- How we learn to change the world“ (2016); „The Open Society – A Pledge for Freedom and Order“ (2019), „The Tao of Finance – The Future Wealth of Nations“ (2020 – in press). These memberships and professional activities afford the opportunity to combine theory and practice and provide a more interdisciplinary and translational approach to scholarship, science and politics.

Married, two kids, hobby farming, yoga, fasting and long term Zen-practitioner. As a practicing Buddhist and Catholic, professional activities are embedded into the mystical traditions and practices of the perennial Eastern and Western philosophies.

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