Impact Hubs - Related Content

There and back again…

There and back again…

22 June 2020 - This week, the United Nations Office at Geneva and the World Academy of Art and Science held a virtual conference called Strategies for Transformative Global Leadership. There is an urgent need to fill the global leadership vacuum in order to address...

Paint it brown

Paint it brown

18 June 2020 - After devising a taxonomy of green activities, the EU has been called on to create a ‘brown’ taxonomy. Would it be a help, or an unnecessary complication, asks Christopher Marchant First published in Environmental Finance Download the pdf...

Conference: Nature’s Return

Conference: Nature’s Return

03 June 2020 - Finance Watch and the Club of Rome invite you to their online conference on the EU’s Biodiversity Strategy 2030, Green Deal & Recovery Plan: Nature’s Return – Embedding environmental goals at the heart of financial decision-making Further...

L’Europe face au coronavirus

L’Europe face au coronavirus

28 April 2020 - Club of Rome Co-President Sandrine Dixson-Declève participated in the TV show Vox Pop (Arte) to discuss the consequences of Covid-19 for Europe. The show is available online in French and German.

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