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After the crisis: two possible futures

After the crisis: two possible futures

17 September 2020 - COVID-19 is a horrible global crisis.  Yet, like previous horrible global crises, including WWI and WWII, it also presents an opportunity and an obligation to rebuild our global society to adapt to changing conditions. The question is: what kind of...

Earth Overshoot Day 2020: European Launch

Earth Overshoot Day 2020: European Launch

20 August 2020 - Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year. COVID-19 has caused humanity's Ecological Footprint to contract, pushing the date of Earth...

Earth Overshoot Day 2020: European Launch Event

Earth Overshoot Day 2020: European Launch Event

17 August 2020 - The Club of Rome & Global Footprint Network look forward to hosting a (virtual) European launch event on the occasion of Earth Overshoot Day - Register here. About this Event Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity’s demand for ecological...

Finding a Way

Finding a Way

23 July 2020 - Will Peoples’ Responses to the Emergencies of the Coming Decades be Warm? Or Cold? by Nora Bateson & Mamphela Ramphele; First published in The crises of the moment do not need further description here. Suffice to say that the complexity...

Prospects for a World of Declining GDP

Prospects for a World of Declining GDP

10 July 2020 - Our human species has lived on this earth for about 15,000 generations. Until 1750 there was essentially no growth in GDP per person. For 300,000 years average people experienced no overall improvement in welfare during their lifetimes. Only during the...

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