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Building a resilient future led by youth

Building a resilient future led by youth

17 November 2022 - The futures of young people around the world are being devastated by the impacts of climate change, forcing them to mobilise and act. Young people are stepping into leadership roles in their communities, in local government, and even becoming...

Stockholm+50 – A healthy planet for the prosperity of all

Stockholm+50 – A healthy planet for the prosperity of all

27 May 2022 - On 2 and 3 June 2022, Stockholm hosted an international environmental meeting with the theme: A healthy planet for the prosperity of all – our responsibility, our opportunity. Stockholm+50 will commemorate the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human...

Give Peace a Chance

Give Peace a Chance

28 February 2022 - We, members of the Club of Rome, condemn in the strongest possible terms the Russian invasion of Ukraine and believe all efforts must be made to prevent war and any nuclear conflict immediately. We call upon leaders on all sides of this conflict,...

The Limits to Growth+50: Global equity for a healthy planet

The Limits to Growth+50: Global equity for a healthy planet

23 February 2022 - In March 1972, a report commissioned by The Club of Rome, shook the world. To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the publication of The Limits to Growth, The Club of Rome are planning a series of webinars and other events featuring leading...

Reaction to EU draft Taxonomy Complementary Delegated Act

Reaction to EU draft Taxonomy Complementary Delegated Act

05 January 2022 - On 31 December 2021, the European Commission sent a request for feedback to the Member States Expert Group on Sustainable Finance and the Platform on Sustainable Finance on a draft text of a Taxonomy Complementary Delegated Act covering certain gas...

The Club of Rome at the UN Climate talks

The Club of Rome at the UN Climate talks

27 October 2021 - We are at a unique moment in history – a decisive decade where failure to act risks crossing irreversible Earth tipping points. The 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) is seen as a critical summit to accelerate action towards the...

The Jena Declaration on Sustainability

The Jena Declaration on Sustainability

07 September 2021 - The Club of Rome joins an international network to call for a strategy change to achieve the UN sustainable development goals. Top-down measures to tackle global challenges, which have dominated policy-making so far, do not take sufficient account...

We must act now to deal with the planetary emergency

We must act now to deal with the planetary emergency

10 August 2021 - The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report, released on 9 August, provides new estimates of the chances of crossing the global warming level of 1.5°C in the next decades, and finds that unless there are immediate, rapid and...

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